Making Artists' Books Dayschool Today...
I've just spent the most lovely day teaching an artists' book workshop with my new friend Gabbi Gardner. Apart from working hard and producing lots of delicious mono-printed papers to collage with into our handmade books, we had a wonderful time chatting and laughing - we had so much in common.
So here are a few photos of what we got up to....
Making a creative mess with acrylic paints and lots of different papers
A close-up showing the tile on the right which has been painted with acrylic paints - quite thickly - which gives the lovely squelchy texture to the print on cartridge paper
(shown on the left)
My happy new friend Gabbi - a talented silversmith jeweller from Cleevedon - about to enjoy her lunch and wine (highly recommended as it lends itself to some very creative and 'free' work in the afternoon!!)
The end of the day and Gabbi's book which is nearly complete,
together with the debris from a very productive days work.
And finally a shot of my sample book - not quite finished,
but I always work alongside my students.